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CBS Jade 13Y
AHCA Registration No.: 51121
Color: Dun
DOB: 5/2/2012
Nt821 Status: Negative
CBS Jade 13Y is a wide cow with a lot of depth and mass. Sired by LEA Denovan Adam (Who is by DH Montgomery) and out of SVH Springvale's Jass. DH genetics are hard to come by these days and are known for passing on their high muscling in the hip and topline throughout generations of cattle. Jade's maternal side goes back to the great Jock of Glengorm along with other well-known DH genetics. Jade is a great mother and about as gentle as they come. Her calves are growthy, have won in the show ring, and have a lot of muscle mass and stride. One of her sons, CBS Jameson, produced the 2022 NWSS Reserve Champion Cow, CBS Jazzy. Even at 13 years old Jade still sports a great set of feet, a tight udder, and well-maintained body condition. Between her pedigree, confirmation, and rich dun color, Jade's offspring will perform very well in anyone's program.

Jade's Progeny:

WL Noah
(CBS Jade 13Y x WL Genesis) Sold for $8,750 in HG's Online Auction Nov29th

CBS Jameson
(CBS Jade 13Y x Thorbardin's Gandolf) - producer of NWSS Champions

CBS Jazzy
CBS Jameson (CBS Jade 13Y) x LEA Jamie - Jazzy was the 2022 NWSS Reserve Champion Female

WL Nickel
CBS Jade 13Y x Philip of Glengorm

CBS Morpheus
(CBS Jade 13Y x Cliadhamh Mor 2nd vomSunderberg)

CBS Josie
(CBS Jade 13Y x HSC Rebel's Jack) Josie became an Impact Dam in 2024!

CBS Jadyn
(CBS Jade 13Y x Skye High Wayward Son) Owned by Bluestone Ranch
Jade's Lineage:

CBS Jade's Sire, LEA Denovan Adam
pictured as a young bull

Jade's Paternal Grandsire, DH Montgomery
Learn More about the folks behind Highland Genetics