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Giving Back
For every straw you buy we will donate $1.00 to the Highland Cattle Foundation for research and education, related to the Highland cattle breed. This is our way of saying we want to uphold and keep the Scottish Highland tradition going strong for many years to come in the USA.
We offer the largest variety of Semen and Embryos for Highland cattle in the USA on an e-commerce platform. This gives you the One-Stop-Shop for all your high-end breeding needs.
We partner with farms across the country giving you the best options and provide details on how each option will help improve your fold.
All our shipping is processed by a certified storage and shipping facility giving you piece of mind the containers are maintained, and the product is stored and handled in the most reliable fashion.
During every shipment, our technicians do a systematic series of checks to make absolute certain you are getting the right straws you ordered.
Fast shipping and service is a cornerstone to our business plan. Your shipment will be processed as fast as possible, and you will be provided tracking information to keep you abreast on how your product is traveling.
Top choices
We do not just offer any Semen or Embryos. When making the decision to sell breeding choices, we will give you the best options available.
Data collection $5 discount. Click Here to Learn More
We want to show off the progeny of our genetics and need your help Click Here for More Details
Blow out Sales – Periodically we will offer special offers and will send out blasts to anyone on our email list. Please take the time to get on our contact list so you can be up to date on any discounts that we have. Click Here Sign Up
Learn More about the folks behind Highland Genetics